Tag: Sierra Vista

Back to Tucson: Near Century

Hard to believe it, but for the second time in four nights, my room was stiflingly hot.  The heater was not on, and so once again it was coming from somewhere else, an adjacent room maybe.  At one point, I turned the thermostat to COLD and turned the switch to ON, but got a continual blast of even more heat.  Apparently the building had only the heat activated at the moment – and this room lacked a window air conditioner. I lay on my bed unable to sleep for quite a while, and considered calling the desk for maintenance or

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Sierra Vista AZ: Through Palominas

Up at 5AM, then just dozing with MSNBC’s Morning Joe on the TV. I figured I’d better address the saddle sores acutely, and so washed well, applied a bunch of antibiotic cream, and then 2 big square padded bandages. On top of all that an extra generous dose of Chamois butter. Better to nip this in the bud (or butt). At 8AM, Jesse and I met up and took another roll through Douglas. This time we tried to find a café from the Google map, but unfortunately found only a local Iglesia de Luz del Mundo at 12th and A

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