Tag: bicycle touring

Snake Creek Rec Area SD: River Camp

Up sort of late this morning at 8, and I walked down to Randy’s room. We adjourned to the hotel lobby, where the wi-fi signal was better and coffee was being served. While we sat, Randy booked a room in Sioux City for 7/23, although I offered him hotel space with my family. I decided to give Linda a status call and went for my phone. Damn, where is it? Damn, I know where! I had left it hanging on the wall in my Super 8 motel room in Pierre. I used Randy’s phone to call the Super 8, and

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Fort Thompson SD: Scorcher

Up at 7. The Super 8 had a serve-yourself breakfast and I fixed one of those malt batter waffles, plus some toast, a hard-boiled egg, a donut, and some coffee. Randy soon joined me. Winds this morning were coming directly out of the south, but the Weather Channel forecast them to shift later in the afternoon from the WSW. We figured that might help us later if we were lucky. We weren’t. We hit the food market in Pierre, a place called Lynn’s Dakotamart. I picked up some candy, trail mix, and Snickers bars. I’d already made some PB&J sandwiches

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Pierre SD: Short Ride Day

I awoke very refreshed at 7am and Randy was already up. He was outside in the backyard with Shirley, observing her attendance to a coop of about 50 chickens. Some of them were exceptionally pretty, bright white with brilliant red combs. She told me that they did not lay eggs yet, and that the family was still trying to figure out why. She let them out of the coop fence and free to roam around the back yard. I guess they were sort of programmed not to flee. Surrounding us were many miles of wheat fields. Brenda and Gordy’s dad

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Selby SD: The Selby Record

What a night! Bright flashes of lightening and rolls of thunder woke me up about midnight. I quickly secured the rain flaps of my tent, then lay back to watch the light show and see what was in store. The rains soon DUMPED on us. I lay semi-enjoying this, comfortable on my cushy mattress and in my dry sleeping bag and tent. Suddenly, though, I got real scared when it sounded like someone threw a softball onto the side of my tent. What? A tree dropping branches or watermelons or something? Then another and then another. Huge hits that threatened

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Beaver Creek Rec Area ND: Another Oasis

I was up at 7am this morning but Randy stayed racked out in his adjacent room. I considered going out for breakfast but decided to wait for Randy’s company. For a while, I watched the tributes to George Steinbrenner being shown on the TV. Randy arose at 8am but did not want to get ready for riding, only to go get coffee. My cold symptoms were still nagging this morning (sore throat, a little light headed) but I actually also felt energetic and ready to go. But a solid breakfast definitely sounded good to me. I strolled next door to

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Bismarck ND: Rain and Rollers

We both awoke fairly early to the spit of a light rain. Randy and I had always pitched our tents a reasonable distance from each other, but last night we’d pitched them a mere 8 feet apart or so. Randy was in a decidedly grumpy mood, stating that he was still really tired and that I had snored. I normally don’t snore, but I have no doubt that I did here, what with my cold and the extra fatigue from riding. I apologized and he said there was no need. He declined my offer of foam earplugs, stating that they

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Don Steckel Boat Landing ND: The Long Way Around

Some patter of rain again last night but the Nemo tent performed nicely. The state park had been sufficiently quiet for a good sleep, but not a very good camping value. Besides the high cost, the restrooms were distant, the trash bins were distant, and the RVs (and their occasional accompanying nitwits) were not welcome campmates. At least the park had a nearby siphon water tap. I approached the tap with toothbrush in hand, lifted the handle and started pumping. To my dismay, I got no water, and trudged back to our breakfast table. Randy informed me that one simply

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Pick City ND: Middle Chainring Day

We were both up very early and out of the park as promised. It was an easy choice to head back to Ebeneezer’s for breakfast. I again tried to recreate my beloved 2x2x2, this time with eggs, a slab of ham, and another humongous pancake. Good food here and great fuel for riding. Later, in the restroom, I took a lovely paper towel bath. Wasn’t so bad – I felt like I was starting to get the hang of this semi-hobo thing. We headed south on Broadway, and had to climb a big hill up and out of Minot. We

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Minot ND: Camping OK or Not?

The earplugs worked great. I sort of heard the train whistles last night but wasn’t bothered at all by them. Randy mentioned that they were pretty bad. Many of the cyclists camping around us were up very early and bustling about, packing up tents and getting ready for the road. Randy and I were much more leisurely, and started simply by boiling up some water and making some tea, oatmeal, and Cream of Wheat, and kicking back. I found my instant Cream of Wheat not bad, but sort of gruel-like, even with sugar added. Needed butter, salt, something to make

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