Month: July 2016

IM01 – Heading Out

Tuesday afternoon I visited a nearby park and set up my well-used Nemo Morpho 2P tent to assess its integrity. I found every seam sealed joint in the tent failing. These weren’t seams per se but rather all the attach points of the structural air tubes with the tent walls. I considered using seal seam glue or silicone glue to do a wholesale repair, but time was running thin, with the repair outcome uncertain. Wednesday afternoon I went out to REI and picked up a roomy REI Half-Dome Plus tent. Only about $200 once a discount was applied. Hurried packing Wednesday evening.

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RAGBRAI 2016 awaits

Crunch time preparing for this summer’s RAGBRAI and Upper Mississippi ride. I spent the month of June in Europe, and had hoped to get in some conditioning in early July. Unfortunately I came home sick – yes, the transcontinental flight was lovely. It took most of a week to recover, and last Sunday Phil and I set out to do the lake loop. We eventually sagged out of it after about 28 miles, to heat, dehydration, and a bee sting that Phil suffered.  Thanks to my darling wife for the sag support. I promptly got ill again that evening. In

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