2012 Riding Year In Review

Taking stock of another year in the saddle.

2012 was another good cycling year, owing almost completely to the stupendous UTCO tour Jack and I did.  Of course the ride across America was a really big deal in 2011, but in some ways, the tour across southern Utah and Colorado in July 2012 was even more enjoyable, the only downside being Jack’s early discomforts with altitude.

At 3030 miles, 2012 was my 4th most prolific riding year, despite having August and September wiped out by travel and December wiped out by a family emergency.   It’s also the first year since 2007 where I’ve failed to complete a century, or even ridden in excess of 75 miles.

2012 Monthly Stats
2012 Monthly Stats
2012 Daily Mileage Histogram
2012 Daily Mileage Histogram

71% of 2012 miles were ridden on my Surly LHT, while only 29%  on my Trek 1800c.  I guess the Surly is winning out in many ways.  Its Brooks saddle is more comfortable.  Its steel frame is more comfortable.  It’s 35mm tires are more comfortable. Its longer wheelbase is more comfortable.  And it can carry more shit.  The only downside is that its a little bit slower, and who really cares about that?